Clery Statement
珍妮·克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案, or Clery Act, mandates that all Title IV institutions, without exception, prepare, publish and distribute an Annual Security Report. This report consists of two basic parts: disclosure of the College’s crime statistics for the past three years; and disclosures regarding the College’s current campus security policies.
匹策学院年度消防安全及保安报告(书面报告) [PDF]
To apply for an open staff position listed below, 请:1)阅读以下推荐十大正规网赌网站上传额外申请材料的信息, and 2) visit our recruitment site. 您需要创建一个申请人帐户,以便安全地提交您的申请信息. 保存您的用户名和密码,以便随时返回您的帐户. For detailed information on how to apply review our Instructions for Applicants.
Additional Application Materials
Upload files under the My Experience screen of our online application, under the Resume/CV section. You can multiple files in either a DOC, DOCX, HTML, PDF, or TXT file type with a maximum size of 5 MB.
- Resumes: 即使招聘要求你提供简历, 确保你在就业申请的教育和经验部分填写了所有相关信息. 该系统可以分析你的简历,使这个过程更容易、更快. 在线就业申请用于对申请人进行初步筛选,未能提供这些信息可能会导致从考虑中删除.
Background Investigations
所有工作人员职位的最终候选人都必须接受录用后的背景调查, 包括目前/以前的工作证明(如适用), education (if applicable), county and national criminal records, 全国性犯罪者名单和社会安全号码. 申请可以访问和/或控制学院财务的职位的个人,除了标准的背景调查外,还需要进行信用检查. Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results. 请按以下有关背景调查权利的详细资料:
State of California, Civil Code Section 1786.22
Federal Credit Reporting Act
Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
匹泽学院坚持平等就业机会和平权行动的文字和精神. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender, gender, age, sexual identity or orientation, marital status, pregnancy, disability, medical condition, or veteran status, in the administration of its admission policies, educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other College-administered programs, and employment policies, 并强烈鼓励来自弱势群体的候选人申请.
Internal Applicants
只要有合格的员工,我们就鼓励从内部晋升. Please note that application instructions may be different for internal applicants; carefully review the To Apply instructions of the announcement for the vacant position.
Physical Tests
对身体要求较高的职位可能需要在录用后进行体检,以确认候选人有能力安全地履行该职位的身体职责. 考试在指定的当地诊所完成,考生无需支付任何费用. Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results.
Resources for Applying
申请我们的职位需要能上网和有电子邮件账户. 如果你需要帮助,这里有一些简短的信息. 有关资源的更多信息,请访问 Career One Stop, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Free Internet Access
公共图书馆可免费使用电脑及上网, 通常是由信誉良好的成员任命. 一些图书馆还提供打印服务,收费很低.
Free Email Account
您可以在网上从各种服务提供商那里获得免费的电子邮件帐户. A list is available at When creating your email account address, 记住选择一个你在专业交流中使用得舒服的名字.
Vacancy Announcements
工作人员空缺职位的公告将在出现时发布. 常规职位至少开放10个工作日,并可能在此之后的任何时间关闭, 除非公告中明确了最后期限. 临时和临时职位的开放时间至少为三个工作日.
As required by federal regulations, 就业取决于您是否有能力提供原始且未过期的文件来证明您的身份和在美国工作的合法能力. 要查看我们能够接受的文件列表,请访问 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services web page.
About Pitzer College
Pitzer学院是一所男女同校的文理学院,位于克莱蒙特,占地20英亩,约有950名学生, California. 推荐十大正规网赌网站是克莱蒙特学院的七所独立学院之一.
匹泽学院通过严谨的学术教学培养具有社会责任感的世界公民, 强调社会正义的跨学科文科教育, 跨文化理解和环境敏感性. The meaningful participation of students, 教职员工在大学治理和学术课程设计方面是匹泽的核心价值. 我们的社区在克莱蒙特学院相互支持的框架内蓬勃发展, which provide an unsurpassed breadth of academic, athletic and social opportunities.
For more information about Pitzer College, visit our “About Pitzer” web page.